Wednesday, May 23, 2012

St. Suzanne

It is so hard to keep up on my blog when we are having so much fun and I am trying to stay in the moment of things. Here are our pictures from Sunday when we visited the town of St. Suzanne about 20 minutes from where are are. We got to walk among ruins dating back to about 1000 A.D. The weather was still dreary but we still enjoyed it.

 Marie, Gabrielle, and Allison

We drove about 20 minutes to another town where there are Roman ruins dating back to 4 A.D. Here are some Roman baths that were discovered under the church about 200 years ago and have been preserved for all to view. We also visited an Roman amphitheater and temple ruins. There were also street markings showing tribute to American soldiers who walked through the same streets in WW2 to help the French  fight off the Germans.

We have been having fun playing games together. We have learned a new one called Legretto and we plan on getting sets to play with family at home. It is a fun fast paced game and it has helped us practice our counting in French when adding up the scores. We also taught the boys how to play poker and blackjack. They got a poker table and chips set for Christmas and hadn't yet learned to play.

Some things we have learned recently is that they have ways of shortening sentences down to one word, like one massive contraction. For example: "Je ne sais pas", which means "I don't know" is shortened down to "chapas" which is pronounced "Shaypah". Now that we learned this we have recognized this word in many conversations and even on TV shows.

We have also learned that they eat dessert with every meal and that you must eat each item separately on your plate. You don't mix dishes on one plate. This is easier when things are served in  separate courses but when everything is on the table it is harder to remember. You would first eat the salad, then once your plate is empty again you would eat the side dish, then main dish, then cheese, then dessert. It is just fine because each dish is so delicious you can savor every bite =)

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